Virna Shepherd
From Zaragoza, Spain. She currently resides in London, UK
Multidisciplinary artist.
The artistic creation is a route to walk always connected with the vital
story. I could not understand or make art without narrate and reflect on stories
feelings or traumas lived for someone assigned to a society and a culture.
My art work has been exhibited in different cities around the world: Vancouver ( Canada ), Seattle ( EEUU ), Madrid, Barcelona, Granada, Valencia, Zaragoza ( Spain ) or Espirito Santo ( Brazil ).
Movement, stillness, sound, silence, time and space are some of the elements
of my art work. These materials are vital and essential. They are builders of
new realities when they are altered. This modification of the world is definitely something needed and incipient in the art world as in the contemporary life.
My work is based on the transformation of these elements to observe and
reflect on the construction of individuals, groups and their inter-relationships.
My art experience is always supported by drawing. It is the thread through my
whole career. It is always my first step, the sketch to start working. Sometimes
I decide to work with other disciplines like performance, installation, painting, video art? It depends of the concept that I want review.
Thanks to the training that I received from artists like Marina Abramovic, Tania
Bruguera or Fernado Renjifo, I could settle for a comprehensive view of
accion, improvisation, body art, espace building, conceptual art and all its
possibilities, its no-limits and what most attracts me, emotional transmission
capacity of art.